Stretching muscles is important for all age groups. To help ensure your daily routine goes well, remember these tips:

Here are some reasons you should make exercise an ongoing part of your body care practices:
- Warm up before stretching to reduce the risk of pulls or tears.
- Stretch after every workout to take advantage of your warm muscles’ extra flexibility.
- Give attention to every major muscle group during each stretching session.
- Don’t lock your joints when you stretch to avoid unnecessary joint strain.
- Breathe steadily in through the nose and out through the mouth.
- Stretch to the point of mild discomfort. If it hurts, you’re stretching too far.
- Avoid bouncing, ballistic stretches. Gentle stretches sustained for 15 to 30 seconds reduce muscle tension, while bouncing can cause your muscles to tighten by repeatedly activating the stretch reflex.
- Never compare your flexibility to someone else’s. You may not have the flexibility of a dancer, so attempting to mimic a more advanced position may lead to overstretching and injury.
Stretching muscles can help you maintain flexibility and live a healthier life. Stay tuned to our blog and social media channels for more tips on healthy living, and contact Subtle Green for all of your skincare needs.
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