Do you have a love/hate relationship with the sun? You probably love the way it feels in the short-term: warming your face and delivering a bronze tan for the summer. But in the long-term, spending too much time in the...
Posts tagged "natural skincare"
Why Men Should Add A Moisturizer To Their Daily Routine
Men's skin care is growing in popularity fast. Caring for skin goes beyond gender because having healthy skin can make us all look and feel our absolute best. Read more...
Understanding Your Skin Type So You Can Choose the Best Skin Care Products
Everyone's skin type is unique and requires its own kind of care. Understanding what type of skin you have will help you care for it correctly to optimize comfort, health and beauty. A Quick and Easy Skin Type Test This...
3 Hard-Working Botanical Extracts Found in Quality Skin Care
Ever wondered what botanical extracts can do for your skin? Here are three botanical extracts that can work wonders for your skin. Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a powerful healer that's been used to soothe and heal skin damage for...
11 Weeks to better skin - Week #10 - Moisturize right!
Moisturizing keeps your skin conditioned by replenishing moisture, oils and nutrients. However, moisturizing the right way can keep your skin so luxurious, you will be sporting that fresh-faced look more often. Follow these quick tips and let your skin glow from within.